World renowned canoeist Becky Mason has been teaching her Classic Canoeing clinics on Meech Lake, Quebec for more than 30 years. Through these solo and tandem classes you can discover the joy of handling a canoe with poetry, confidence and grace in any conditions from the quiet of a misty morning to the pounding waves of a stormy lake.
BASIC SOLO (classic beginner)
Designed to introduce new canoeists to canoeing or for people who like to learn nice and slowly. Includes canoe and paddle appreciation, paddling strokes and safe canoeing practices. Learn the skills that will enable you to put your canoe exactly where you want it to go. Skills covered: forward and back paddling, pivots, side-slips, C-Stroke and stopping.
ADVANCED SOLO (novice to advanced) Prerequisite Basic or canoeing experience. The aim is to make your stroke the most efficient it can be so all the momentum of the canoe is utilized. Content covered: A review of Basic Solo plus a selection of these strokes: Canadian, Box, Bow Jam & Cut, Circle, Low Brace Turn, and Sculling Draw and more.
CLASSIC TANDEM (novice to advanced) Designed to introduce both novice and experienced canoeist to the finer points of efficient tandem canoeing skills. Content will include: forward & back paddling, stationary and power pivots, side-slips, and landings with an emphasis on communication. A class everyone will enjoy even if your skill levels vary.
Canoe courses run spring to autumn at Meech Lake in Gatineau Park, Quebec, 20 mins north of Ottawa. Other dates and times offered upon request. You are welcome to bring your own paddle and PFD and even your own canoe but I am happy to provide the canoe and all equipment too. I do not charge tax.
NEW: Private lessons they are $35 extra per lesson. One, two or more persons in your private it's the same fee for each lesson.
During the Week: Mon & Wed or Tue & Thr or Fri. (mix and match combos welcome)
Morning: 9:30am - 11:30am or afternoon: noon- 2pm or 4pm - 6pm or evenings 6:30pm -8:30pm
Max. 3 person for Solo and 4 people Tandem clinics.
Fee = $80. per person per two hour lesson for SOLO or TANDEM.
​Becky recommends 2 sessions of 2 hours each = 4 hours total $160.
(Public boat launch and public parking is currently closed due to flood damage so after sign-up I will send you details for private parking. Because of the public parking lot closure I have limited private parking so I have reduced my lesson size #'s.)
Book Online: calendar or info@redcanoes.ca for questions.
Payment: Use my booking calendar or mail cheque or bring cash to your first lesson.
Payment due before or at the start of the first class.
Mail: Becky Mason, P.O Box 1735, Chelsea, Quebec, J9B 1A1 Canada.
Happy Clients:Thank you so much for the awesome lessons you gave us!! Your paddling style is so elegant, efficient and fun! ... Your strategy on teaching the tandem course is inventive, perceptive and lots of fun! :-) Catherine Presseau.
Paddle Canoe accredited courses and rescue clinic (3hrs) email me for details.
Paddle Canada Style solo Canoeing is similar to Classic Adv Solo Canoeing.
Accommodations near Meech Lake:
Meech Lake is in Chelsea which is in the Outaouais, If you search around a bit, Chelsea or Wakefield or Gatineau have B&Bs, Motels, Inns.
​Gatineau Park Camping: Lac Philippe & Lac Taylor is still closed for 2024 camping due to renovations