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#12 Paddling Pic: Of Wooden Canoes

#12 Lac Poisson Blanc, Quebec. 2016

In praise of the wooden canoe. For thousands of years canoes have been made almost exclusively from trees. It is only in the last 70 years or so that we have seen alternative materials become so popular. But wood canoes are still out there. In fact, there is a resurgence happening. Why? Because there is nothing so soothing, calming and transcendent as paddling a craft made of natural materials. It bridges the space between us and the land and connects us to the wilderness. Wooden canoes are not just vessels that hold us, but they also carry our memories and the stories of all of its journeys. So today we salute the wooden canoe. From my first ride in one as a newborn to our very last paddle in one last fall I have a lifetime of stories, but what's your best memory in a wooden canoe?

About Today's Paddling Pic: These last few days and weeks I've found myself looking back on some wonderful memories and images of where canoeing has taken me, and it's made me smile. I feel so fortunate and grateful for these places, people and experiences, and it's kind of nice to reminisce. And in doing so I can't help but to also look forward to a time when we can all paddle safely again! So for the next while Reid and I are posting a picture a day (with a story) that will brighten our day and hopefully yours too. I invite you to share your stories in the comment section.

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